Practical driving test
During your practical driving test. The instructor will ask you to do 1 or several vehicle inspection safety checks. The instructor can ask any one of the below items so be sure to practise all of them. Best is to practise them in and around your car. Also good to follow the same pattern when learning them

External safety checks
You can do the below steps in any order that feels comfortable. Combine numbers to make it easier eg: ( 1+2 , 3+5, 4+6, 7 ) Before you start. Ask the instructor if you may open the car and turn the ignition on to activate the lights.
- Parking lights (front & rear): Turn the light switch to the first selector to turn on the parking lights.
- Reflectors (front & rear): when checking the parking lights also check the reflectors
- Dipped head lights:
- Full beam head lights:
- Left indicator (front & rear):
- Right indicator (front & rear):
- Wheels (front & rear): You should check all the wheels
- Tyre wear and tear, does the the tyre look safe or does it look damaged
- Is the tyre free of forreign objects like a screw or nail
- Does the tyre have the correct thread height (see tyres)
- Is the tyre secure & nuts tight (If you push with your foot on the tyre does it move side ways)
- Is the tyre flat or over inflated
- Brake lights: Ask the instructor to check the brake lights or if he can press the brake pedal for you
Internal safety checks
You can do the below steps in any order that feels comfortable. We allocated it in the manner that follows the most natural flow (The instructor will probably not ask you to do all of it only one or two) Before you start. Ask the instructor if you may turn the ignition on to activate the dashboard lights. All the dashboard lights will turn on. Only after you start the engine will the dashboard lights turn off
- Seat position: Pull or push your seat forward or backward for the best driver seat position
- Seat height & seat tilt angle: Turn the knobs next to the seat and adjust the height and tilt angle
- Seat head rest: Adjust the seat head rest to be on the same level as your head (This help to reduce whiplash)
- Backseat clear of loose items: Ensure there is no loose items on the back seat that might fall over when you drive
- Check the side mirrors: Adjust all the side mirrors electronically or manually
- Check the center mirror:
- Check the windscreen wipers: Pull the lever on the steering wheel towards you to activate the windscreen whiper spray
- Check the fan and aircon
- Check the front and rear heater
- Check the emergency lights
- Beep horn once:
- Press hard on brake peddal until it becomes rigid: Do this incombo with the ignition. The peddal will feel stiff. Once the car turns on the brake servo will turn on and your foot will move down
- Turn steering wheel to the left: Do this incombo with the ignition. The steering wheel will feel hard and stiff. Once the ignition come on the power steering wheel pump will turn on
- Turn ignition on: The car will start
- The dashboard lights will should all turn off if any lights remain on you need to inspect them:
- Fasten your seatbelt once all dashboard lights went off: Else you need to get out off the car again
- Check Handbrake: You can test the handbrake by pulling it up, and slowly try to drive away. The back of the car will pull downwards
- Kids younger 15 years safety belt: Follow the correct safety guidelines for kids younger then 15 years old
Example of internal safety checks

- A: Temperature level
- B: Rev counter
- C: Speed counter
- D: Fuel level
- E: Instrument panel
- F: ABS anti-lock brake system
- G: Rear fog lights (Check front fog lights icon)

- A: Cold and hot temperature control
- B: Front window heater
- C: Aircon A/C
- D: Cold and hot temperature control (back seat)
- E: Skid control
- F: Emergency hazard lights
- G: CD player release button
- H:Rear window heater