was founded in 2020 in a response to the high demand for easier and more understandable content regarding drivers license tests for international expats. The community thus has grown with an exponential rate and there have been an interest in additional languages and a theory section. We are consistently updating the site and adding new features with the focus of implementing a full drivers license theory section, community pages and videos. We hope you will find the site usefull in your studies towards your swedish drives license.

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Vision Zero

We believe that every driver can be a safe driver if they understand and grasp why certain rules apply to them and others. With safer and more considerate drivers on the road, we can reach vision Zero "Vision Zero is an international movement that aims to reduce traffic deaths and life-changing injuries to zero while increasing safe, healthy, equitable mobility for all. It addresses all collisions, whether people travel by foot, wheelchair, bike, motorcycle, car, or truck."

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