Built up area

This is usually where there are many building / apartments build close to each other. There is usually no private gardens or backyard for kids to play in. Thus caution must be given

  • 50km/h speed limit
  • If there is a prohibitory sign posted together with the sign, the prohibition is applicable everywhere in the built-up area until an end sign is posted
  • A regular speed sign can indicate different speeds
e5 1 Built up area (e5)
e6 1 Built up area end (e6)

This sign only recommends a lower speed limit. You can however drive faster. This sign is common when there are road works or on freeways when there is heavy raining

  • 30km/h recommended speed limit (Thus you are allowed to drive faster if the normal speed limit sign had a higher speed limit)
  • Normal speed sign determines the actual speed limit
e11 1 Recommended speed limit (e11)
e12 1 Recommended speed limit end (e12)

Speed limit

This sign sets the maximum speed limit allowed on that stretch of road. Speedlimit signs are usually place at the start of a area. Example 30km/h usually common for residential areas and place just before entering the area 50km/h usually common for roads linking towns, residential areas also off ramps. 70-130km/h usually common for freeways, country roads etc. Sign is placed usually on the on ramp / off ramp. Sometimes on the road itself

  • 30km/h speed limit
  • Its illegal to go faster then the speed limit. Also when overtaking
  • Speedlimit can be between 10-120km/h
2022 02 12t08 09 20390z file c31 1 Speed limit (e12)

Home zone

Homezones are usually places where there is a combination of houses, schools, children, parks, etc. As a driver you must be very aware of this and you are not permitted to drive faster then walking speed (5-7km/h)

  • Walking speed limit (5-7km/h
  • Obligation to give way to pedestrians.
  • No parking is permitted: Exception if there is a dedicated parking space allocated
  • Giveway when exiting a home zone (Sort of like a private property where you drive over a pedestrian path. You have to giveaway to everyone)
e9 1 Home zone (e9)
e10 1 Home zone end (e10)

Pedestrian street

Pedestrian street are primarily meant for pedestrians. There are however more limitations on vehicles that can drive in on a pedestrian streets

  • Walking speed limit (5-7km/h
  • Obligation to give way to pedestrians.
  • No parking is permitted: Exception if there is a dedicated parking space allocated
  • Only essential traffic (Deliveries, medical transport, to and from hotel pickups)
  • All home zone rules apply to pedestrian streets aswell
e7 1 Pedestrian Street (e7)
e8 1 Pedestrian Street end (e8)

Bicycle street

Bicycle street are primarily meant for cyclists. There are however more limitations on vehicles when driving on a bicycle street.

  • Max speed limit 30km/h. You must however reduce your speed to the pace of the cyclist
  • Obligation to give way to all traffic on bicycle street when you enter it.
  • No parking is permitted: Exception if there is a dedicated parking space allocated
e33 1 Bicycle Street (e7)