Animals and traffic overview
Animals live everywhere around and sometimes they have to cross the road in search of food or water. When the animal cross the road they create a very dangerouse situation for the driver. You will need to be vigilant for this and consider the following scenarios to safely drive where animals might cross the road
When do animals usually cross the road
- Dusk and dawn (Usually the time when the look for food or water)
- May–June and September–October. (Mating season, and giving birth season)
- Close to or on salted roads.
- Where there is a open field (Usually lots of grass to feed on)
- Near a water course (River or lake)
- Beginning and end of a wildlife fence. (Areas where wildlife can cross to the otherside)
What to do if you injured an animal
Animals can jump with out warning onto the road and you could collide into them. When this happens consider the following
- Immediately warn other road users: Use your hazard warning lights, or if the animal is on the road consider putting out your warning traingle
- If animal is killed: You must try to remove the animal from the carriage way as the animal body can be a dangerous hazard for other drivers.
- If animal ran away but is injured: Mark the area where the animal ran off with a cloth or similar item. The hunter and hunter dog can then easier trace the animal down
Always inform the police when you killed or injured any of the following animals
- Moose
- Bear
- Wolf
- Boar
- Lynx
- Deer
- Roe deer
- Otter
- Mouflon
- Eagle
Animals crossing the road considerations
- Animal already started to cross the road: If you cant stop in time, always drive/swerve behind the animal. Usually animals wont return where they came from, they will continue to jump or run forward.
- Animal about to cross but you see they have a family: Sometimes geese or ducks cross the road with their family. Very likely one of the ducklings will be left behind. Stop your car and ensure all other drivers are aware of this situation (by putting on your hazard lights) to reduce their speed and create as calm environment on the road so the animals and their families can cross.
- Animals run when they are freightend: Try to keep music and engine revs as low as possible. Animals can get startled quickly