
Roads are inherently a dangerouse place because there are lots of fast moving cars that have difficulty to quickly move out of the way if something or someone is placed infront of it. There have been lots of improvements introduced on the roads and cars to make traffic a lot more safer

car accident

What cause traffic accidents?

Accidents can be due to any number of reasons. Some natural some man made. See below the following causes:

  • Humman error: Humans at times can be very focuses and also very unfocused. When humans loose focus or miss calculate a scenario an accident can occur
  • Roads that arent safe: Some roads have a higher risk level associated to them. A small narrow road in a city can cause you to bump or scratch other vehicles. A small narrow road down a hill can cause you to drive off the mountain.
  • Vehicles that arent safe: Vehcles are generally very safe but the lack of maintenance of vehicles make them unsafe. Worn brakes or damaged tyres and small tyre tread will make cars very dangerouse

Traits of people causing alot of accidents

15% of the population cause 50% off all the traffic related incidents/ accidents on the road. These people all share similar traits and its good to know what they are so you can rectify them if you notice it in yourself

  • Always have an excuse: They always find a reason why its not their fault. They never learn from their mistakes
  • Ignoring any dangerous situation: They know there is a school near by but don't slow down the vehicle
  • Impulsive behaviour: They act before the think or look around them. Example: just reverse out of a parking bay at a shopping mall without looking behind them
  • Show alot of pride: The tend to get very angry if someone overtakes them. They need to gain their pride back again and will drive recklessly
  • Self-assertion: They "own" the road. Meaning they always drive first. If someone wants to turn into their lane they will not make space
  • Reaction formation: This behaviour is polar opposite in some people. The person could be a very relaxed and easy going person in normal live but in traffic they become very aggressive and vent their frustration
  • Late night driving: Drivers who go out late at night can be either intoxicated or tired, they take more risks then others because they think they can handle it
  • Someone that likes a challenge: Drivers that sees driving a car as a game, will likely challenge other drivers or push them to drive faster then they normally would

Handeling a serious accident like a pro

A serious accident is an accident where there was casualties and people got seriously injured There could be a time that you arrive at the scene of a serious accident. Its best to be prepared on how to handle the situation

Task Reason
Survey the whole scenario How many casualties are there? Are there any risk or dangerous object on the road?
Prioritise Determine what should be done first. (Example 1: if there is a fire you will first try to put out the fire or move people away from the fire). (Example 2: If people are okay but there is a tyre on the road you first want to remove the tyre from the road as it can cause a dangerous obstacle for other drivers) (Example 3: Consider first aid if anyone is in need of it) See below steps to preform first aid
Warn Ensure everyone can see the accident if example its low light
Call 112 Call the emergency services

How to preform First Aid

Tasks Reason
Life-threatening situation Quickly remove any person that is in danger of burning, drowning, or other risk away from the risk.
The person is breathing Turn a person to their side (Recovery position)
The person is not breathing Do CPR if they have no pulse
Bleeding Stop the bleeding as soon as possible by wrapping wound with a cloth or band-aid
Shock (Circulatory shock) Dont give the person anything to drink. Ensure the sit down and breathing. They need to calm down

What to do when emergency services have arrived

  • Wait for emergency service: Dont leave the scene. Wait until they arrive and you have given your full statement
  • Absconding (Not staying at the accident scene): Is when you leave the scene of an accident before the police arrived. You can get a fine or sent to prison if someone died
  • Give your name and other personal information
  • Accident scene should not be tampered with: Leave everything as it is unless a object poses a serious threat to other road users
  • Always phone 112 police if a person has been injured

Handeling a minor accident like a pro

A minor accident is an accident where there was no casualties and no person got seriously injured

  • Keep an insurance claim form in your car. (This is not a legal requirement)
  • Record the time, location and date of the accident
  • Record the other drivers personal details (Name, address, social security number, insurance company)
  • Record any other person at the scene details
  • Record any damages or minor injuries cause to the car or person