The theory section is all the theory required to pass your drivers license. Its important to combine theory with practical driving practise.
(E30) Special rules for parking
The panel indicates a deviation from the sign under which it is placed or from Chapter 3, Section 53, point 10 or Section 54 of the Road Traffic Ordinance (1998:1276). It is used beneath one of the following signs; C35, Vehicle parking is prohibited, C36, Vehicle parking is prohibited on odd-numbered dates, C37, Vehicle parking is prohibited on even-numbered dates, C38, Date parking, C39, No stopping or parking, C40, Purposeful location, C42, Turning area, D10, Reserved lane or carriageway for vehicles operating a regular service etc., E19, Parking, E20, No parking zone, or E22, Bus stop. One of these signs is depicted in miniature on the panel. For the times, the more detailed provisions relating to panel T6, Time indication, apply. The background colour on the panel is the same as the background colour on the sign depicted on the panel according to what is stated in Section 29.