Priority road

A priority road is a road where cars can drive on and all intersecting roads must give way to the priority road The priority road does not have a specific speed limit. But the speed is indicated on speed sign. Priority road does not mean that you have all the right and that all cars will give way too you. Be vigilant and keep an eye out for if other drivers did not see the priority road sign they might think its the Right hand rule and you need to give way to them

Priority road rules

  • If you are entering a priority road you must give way to all traffic already on it, from the left and from the right
  • Priority road signs are placed just after the intersection
  • Priority road ends with an end sign. This sign does not always have to be displayed
b4 1 Priority road sign (B4)
b5 1 Priority road sign end (B5)

Look for priority signs

priority road pedestrain crossing

Some times it can be difficult to see the priority road sign. Look for other signs that you might be driving onto a priority road sign. The priority road sign will always be placed after the intersection Example: Give way sign posted, Give way markings on the road. This can be an indication that you will drive onto a priority road but not always