
To get a drivers license it is important that you pass the theory test. You must show that you have the required theoretical knowledge to be a safe driver.

exam test pc writing test

Before the theory test

You will be asked to have your photo taken. The photo is only taken once at the start of the first test. If you write the test again you do not have to retake a photo Come well in advance to have your photo taken

Taking Photo process

  • Take a ticket that indicates you to take a photo
  • Once your number is called, go to the photo machine booth
  • The photo machine booth will walk you through the procedure of taking a photo
  • Once you are happy with the photo you submit the photo
  • You now wait for the theory test to start

During the test

You will be assigned to a test group (A-D) etc. Wait until your group number is called

Follow the instructions of the moderator

  • You will need to show identification once you enter the driver license theory test classroom
  • Your attendance will be recorded
  • You will be assigned a seat
  • Your phone must be switched off
  • A calculator will be provided for you

Test starts

  • The test will start once the moderator instructs you to start. You click start.
  • There is an introduction video that you can watch. Its recommended you watch this video to help you be comfortable with the test. (The instruction video does not use the time allowed for the test)
  • You can change the language of the test
  • You can listen to the questions

The test consists out of 70 questions. You need to get 52 questions right to pass.

Category Number of questions (65 in total)
Vehicle knowledge, manoeuvring 7
Environment 5
Traffic safety 16
Traffic regulations 32
Individual circumstances 5

Pass percentage = 75% (52/70) Test language: The test can be written in many different languages. Its best to check with your local driving license authority. Its usually in the countries native languages with primary languages include such as english, russian, etc. Test duration: 50 minutes

After the test

Results: You will get your results immediately after the test. The result will be send to your email address aswell

Content of the theory test

The following indicates the various sections of the theory test

Vehicle knowledge

  • Vehicle function
  • Vehicle driving characteristic in different road conditions
  • What risks may arise if the vehicle fails to function properly
  • The relationship between driving technique and the vehicle’s behavior.

The environment

  • How transport effect the environment
  • Your choice when it comes to transport
  • How to drive the vehicle in a safe, eco-friendly manner

Road safety

  • Demonstrate good judgement when interacting with other road users
  • Understand how to adapt your speed, distance and other driving parameters in different scenarious
  • Understand how different road conditions and environments affect driver behaviour and road safety

Road rules & understanding

  • Road signs
  • Road markings
  • Meeting oncoming traffic
  • Overtaking
  • Cargo
  • Passengers, pedestrians and elderly
  • Obligations to other road users.

Actions and reactions

  • How medicines, alcohol, other drugs, stress and tiredness can affect driver behaviour.
  • Different times of the day or night can effect a drivers behaviour and or safety
  • Understanding peer pressure and the impact of it